Publisher Biribetto - Infantiles Books

Didactic Books to read and play, to hug and love.

Libro Cubo didáctico

Libro Cubo didáctico

Fabric didactic cube, with books and activities for children. Promotes psychomotor development through shapes, colors and textures.

Libro Cubo didácticoISBN: 978-987-1440-19-1

Colección almohaditas

Colección almohaditas

Fabric pillow-book softly and fluffy, to hug and sleep with it. It stimulates the child by shapes and textures. It facilitates the first approach to numbers, letters and colors.

1, 2 y 3ISBN: 978-987-1440-22-1
A, B y CISBN: 978-987-1440-27-6
ColoresISBN: 978-987-1440-26-9

Colección Libros con sonido

Colección Libros con sonido

Funny cloth books with sound. To read and play. Entertain the baby, capturing their attention with sounds, colors and textures.

OpuestosISBN: 978-987-1440-28-3
Mis juguetesISBN: 978-987-1440-25-2
ZoológicoISBN: 978-987-1440-23-8
Los bichitos del jardínISBN: 978-987-1440-21-4
Mis transportesISBN: 978-987-1440-24-5

Colección Burbujas

Colección Burbujas

Water resistant books made of plastic, which promotes the entertainment of the baby while bathing.

It is accompanied by a puppet with a cloth towel that mom can entertain and dry the baby and do a nicer bath time.

Tito, el perritoISBN: 978-987-1440-04-7
BichitosISBN: 978-987-1440-04-7
Zito, el ositoISBN: 978-987-1440-04-7
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Puppet book

Libro con títere

Fabric books are educational and funny puppets that open and close the mouth. Playful way of stimulating the imagination and oral expression, through dialogue and the creation of stories and promote psychomotor development.

Libro SapitoISBN: 978-987-1440-05-4
Libro VaquitaISBN: 978-987-1440-11-5
Libro PerritoISBN: 978-987-1440-12-2
Libro CocodriloISBN: 978-987-1440-14-6
Libro PececitoISBN: 978-987-1440-13-9
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Toy book

Toy book

Books that promote the development of little kids games. Through colors, textures, and learning activities, children learn by playing. These books contribute to the stimulation of fine motor skills.

Libro PelotaISBN: 978-987-1440-04-7
Libro MariposaISBN: 978-987-1440-06-1
Libro MuñecaISBN: 978-987-1440-03-0
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My Naughty Shadow

My Naughty Shadow

It’s a short-story, but it also includes a guide to create Chinese shadows and a flashlight. It allows the child to investigate and experiment closely with light and shadows. It stimulates fine motor skills, concentration and intelligence development.

Mi Sombra TraviesaISBN: 978-987-22639-8-0
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Collection Puppet Book

Colección Libro Títere<

Hard covered didactic books with fabric puppets. A princess and a dragon.

Especially created for the children's creative playing and reading/

Encourage oral expression and tale creativity

La princesa y su amigo el dragónISBN: 978-987-22639-3-5
El cumpleaños del dragónISBN: 978-987-22639-2-8
La Gallina y los pollitosISBN: 978-987-1440-10-8
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Collection My Little Book

Colección Mi Librito

Besides being great story-books, they are also soft-to-touch, easy to handle, and non-toxic toy-books, that also function as transitional objects.

Mi Librito para dormirISBN: 987-21824-1-8
Mi Librito a la hora de comerISBN: 987-21824-3-4
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Collection Books to Hold

Colección Libritos para sujetar

Fabric books that can be attached to the baby stroller, crib and booster chair.

They are made of enticing textures that babies will love.

They also function as mobiles and its waving toys capture baby’s attention.

They stay with the baby at all times and entertain them during journeys.

Un patito muy divertidoISBN: 987-22639-0-6
Un elefante muy simpáticoISBN: 987-22639-1-4
Un conejito muy alegreISBN: 987-21824-9-3
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Hi Pepo!

Hi Pepo!

It’s an educational story book that also functions as a toy.

Its shape, emulating a phone, allows the child to play and have fun with it.

It stimulates imagination and oral expression through dialogue and story-telling.

It promotes psychomotor development.

¡Hola Pepo!ISBN: 987-21824-4-2
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Collection Little Dolls

Colección Muñequitos

These are four educational books with characters that are easy to recognize and associate.

Being a plain and clear story, it helps the baby to learn the characteristics of animals on their environment.

Animales de la casaISBN: 987-21824-8-5
Animales de la granjaISBN: 987-21824-5-0
Animales de la selvaISBN: 987-21824-7-7
Animales del marISBN: 987-21824-6-9
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Diseño Etchevarne